Depositing funds into Osmosis Pools: Atom, Ixo, Terra, Bitcanna.

2 min readDec 9, 2021
Osmosis is one beautifully crafted DEX for Cosmos tokens

As part of our slashing insurance policy for validators we have been funding some Cosmos accounts, to ensure funds are available in case of an uptime slashing event occur in one of our servers.

With part of that funds we are providing liquidity into some Osmosis pools. We’ve chosen the pools attending to some of the tokens we firmly believe in for the near future, the tokens are the following: Atom, IXO, Terra’s UST, BitCanna and of course Osmo (more to come in the future).

Our intention is to keep growing this pools with interest rewarded by those, so we hope to increase the locked value of our insurance funds while helping provide liquidity to this tokens.


For more info on this projects, visit the following links.




We're a company of Blockchain passionate individuals that aim to help decentralize the world while having fun with technology.