Nearscope explorer and analytics — v0.0.2 release
We are happy to announce the new version release of our Near explorer and analytics platform, Nearscope. This new version is loaded with new features and improvements over the previous one. So here it is a list containing the most important ones:
Tesnet Support
Suppor for testnet network, you can now switch from Near’s mainnet to testnet through the network menu located in the site’s header
Global Features
Added new currencies: australian dollar, New Zealand dollar, Hong Kong dollar, Singapur dollar, argentinian peso, brazilian real, chilean peso, mexican peso, and bolívar from Venezuela.
Tables (validators, delegators, rewards) display configuration is stored to remember your preferences on new visits to the site.
Network Dashboard
New validator performance progress bar chart to display the network performance, and data about overall validator blocks/chunks production
New “All” tab in validators table for displaying all validators (the ones in active, proposal or kickout status)
Added several improvements to validators table: color coded columns, new columns for: APY, in epoch pool size change, pool stake ratio (centralization) and color code status badges to warn about bad validator performance
Delegator Page
Improvements in accounts info and distribution chart
More charts to track historically staked balances, earnings, yields and commission between all you validators
Account information sections organized with tabs
Validator Page
Improved validator uptime and stake information, now includes synchronization information as well as in epoch stake changes, with colorful text
Included connected peers data into uptime chart
Added new chart with blocks/chunks production
Added new chart with network average validator commission and delegator earnings yield (APY)
Added new chart with pool earnings and share over the network yield (APY)
Added new section for validator delegations with charts subsection, including pool stake distribution chart, stake concentration chart and liquid staking pools details
and delegators list subsection, that enables you to order by any column, filter by and minimum and maximum stake/unstake ammounts
Validator information sections organized with tabs too
Added badges in validator information card to warn users about validators that have not updated to the latest version and staking pools being too big for network decentralization.
Visit Nearscope
Hope you enjoy the new features and improvements, and as always we’re willing to here new proposals from the community for the coming versions.
But always better to see and use it by yourself, so visit Nearscope platform with the link below.